Our clients need solutions for real-world challenges. At OASIS we apply our expert knowledge of ocean acoustic science to develop systems and guidance to solve our clients' most complex problems.
Ocean Acoustics & Sciences

- Sonar System Design and Engineering
- Advanced Sonar Techniques (including Synthetic Aperture Sonar -SAS)
- Patent Pending for Real Time TL Measurements and Localization Using an OASIS Mobile Acoustic Source (OMAS)
- Real Time Detection, Classification, and Localization of Targets Using Embedded DSP Technology
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (Auv) Operation

- OASIS Mobile Acoustic Source (OMAS)
- Able to Transmit Customized Waveforms
- Fully Programmable Run Geometries
- Slocum Electric Glider
- Buoyancy Propelled Vehicle
- Low Power Consumption Allows Glider to Perform Month Long Missions
- Customizable Science Bay
- Hydroid REMUS Vehicles
- Propeller-Driven Fully-Programmable AUV
Acoustic Signature Reduction

- Radiated Noise Measurements for Ships, Submarines, Unmanned Vehicles, and Weapons
- Self Noise Analysis
- Modeling and Analysis
- Next Generation Undersea Weapon Analysis
Hydro/Aero-Acoustics & Hydro/Aero-Dynamics

- Turbulent Flow Research and Modeling
- Turbine, Pump and Propeller Cavitation, Noise and Structural Vibration
- Wind Tunnel Design, Construction, and Research
- Water Tunnel Research
Instrumentation Systems & Measurement Engineering

- Ocean Environmental Monitoring
- Hydroturbine Cavitation Condition Monitoring System
- Structural Vibration and Condition of Monitoring of Diesel Engines, Generators, and Turbines
- Vibration and Acoustic Condition Monitoring Systems
- Other challenging ocean and non-ocean scenarios requiring acoustics and vibration expertise
Transmission Loss (TL) Measurements in Littoral Waters Around the World

- North America
- Asia
- Europe
- Middle East